View Profile manniest
spencer @manniest

Age 27, Male

for losers

those still exist?

green hill zone (i moved)

Joined on 9/5/09

Exp Points:
452 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.89 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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manniest's News

Posted by manniest - November 17th, 2009

look i got AIM

just got aim

Posted by manniest - November 11th, 2009

i'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm baack my internet stoped working and ben forever to get brought back up. heres whats new since i was gone
1.got counter strike for my xbox (srry no xbox live account)
2.saw Christmas carol (terrible)
3.plan on voting for stuff in the treasure hunt
4.realized i hate commercials
also does anyone know about Jayneyz she sent me a PM and gave this web linkdoes anyone know about her here is the exact PM she sent me

Hey there.

i waz browsin' over for ppl like me, & I stumbled upon your lil' site. You appear to be a considerably fascinating dude, although Im rather new at this sorta thing, and dont know my way around here. Can't they have a chat thing here? i hate writing to ppl, and maybe not getting anything back. Well, if u wanna chatting with me, u could catch me over at box-of-date.org?id=3590&profile=gumdro p32 , my name over there is gumdrop32.

So, ya, hope to chat with you. I'm always lookin' to find more people.
Janis Carter

and i'm a little nervous she's 28 i'm 12 and her picture is suspicious it just seems warped and has'nt contributed anything to NG so suspicious here is the pic if you are to lazy to go to her page

Posted by manniest - November 4th, 2009

i just got my ds back from my brother and i also put the stickers i got on my ds.ya i know it is the old classic one well i don't have the money for a new one and it still works though my screen is all scratched up.
(now your thinking who still has those well i do)
srry for pic quallity last time i took pics i had my dads camera now i used my laptops built in webcam and the software debut video capture software

forgot my DS

Posted by manniest - October 27th, 2009

i got a twitter follow me at NSAagent84

and with the stickers i bought from the NG store look what i did

twitter and sticker useage

Posted by manniest - October 25th, 2009

here are some laughs, pain, pwns,and embarrassment

/* */

/* */

/* */
you'll notice the cat cast no shadow

/* */

/* */

/* */

Posted by manniest - October 21st, 2009

my interenet exporer is messing up it s screwing up the newgrounds backround it is gone and i'm sure i is internet exporeri tried with google chrome and it worked does anyoe know wha the problem is?

Posted by manniest - October 18th, 2009

my new flash is going to be much shorter than my other madness project but here are the similarities they are both made with madness people and my new project is based on a true story it was me. what happened was i was drinking from a water fountiain ( it was in my school) then some idiot came and pushed me ( i knew him i hate him) so with the water that was in my mouth i spit at him. PM me if you felt what i idid was right.

Posted by manniest - October 18th, 2009

i just relized the madness project is actually 90% done i relized i could not do what i thought i could do so i thought of something else to do sooooooooooooooooooo 90% gotten far almost there.
and i also found a funny video

/* */
lotflmao the end

Posted by manniest - October 17th, 2009

does anyone know when the chat room will be ready? i need to know i will be using it very much.

Posted by manniest - October 16th, 2009

i need to know where can i find these thing i saw this in a blog and i asked the guy he said he did not know so i need to know where i can find them

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